WP3 & WP4 Domain-Workshops during the SINANO Summer School 2016

During the SINANO Summer School 2015 a series of NEREID Domain Workshops regarding the workpackages 3 and 4 took place on October 16-21, 2016, in Bertinoro (FC), Italy

The topics were:
“Nanoscale FETs”, “Connectivity”,
“Smart Sensors”, "Smart Energy" and
“Energy for Autonomous Systems”



Sunday 16 October 2016, 18:00: Reception
Monday to Friday 17-21, 2016:
Workshops from 9:00-18:00
(16:15 – 18:00 ONLY for NEREID experts and members)

Forlì-Cesena (FC),


Day 0: October 16 2016, RECEPTION and WELCOME BUFFET
Day 1: Monday, October 17 2016,
NEREID Workshop 1 – Task 3.1 “Nanoscale FETs”

Organizer: Francis Balestra (Grenpble INP, FR), Anda Mocuta (IMEC, BE)


Chairman: Francis Balestra – Grenoble INP, FR

Stephane Monfray - IMEC (BE)
Evolution or revolution in the world of Microelectronic?
Changing times


Maaike Op de Beeck - IMEC (BE)
Medical electronics for wearable and implantable
devices: system and chip requirements

 10:00-10:30 Gerard Ghibaudo - IMEP-LAHC, GrenobleINP (FR)
Challenges in electrical characterization
of nano devices
 10:30-10:45  Coffee break

Anda Mocuta - IMEC (BE)
Transistor Architecture and materials 

 11:15-12:00 Francis Balestra - Grenoble INP (FR)
Tunnel FETs trends and challenges      (Slides)
 12:00-13:30  Lunch break
 13:30-14:00 Carlo Cagli - CEA-LETI (FR)
State of the art and future challenges of memory technology
 14:00-14:30 Luca Selmi - IUNET-Udine (IT)
Modeling and simulation challenges for integrated
nanoscale CMOS switches and CMOS compatible

Coffee break 

 14:50-15:30 Claire Fenouillet- Beranger - CEA-LETI (FR)
3D Sequential integration challenges
 15:30-16:10 Lars-Erik Wernersson - Lund University
III-V  nanowires, for digital  and  RF/mm Wave

(ONLY for NEREID experts and members)

Day 2: Tuesday, October 18 2016,
NEREID Workshop 2 – Task 3.2 “Connectivity”

Jean-Baptiste David/ Didier Belot (CEA-LETI, FR),
Anda Mocuta (IMEC, BE)


Chairman: Jean-Baptiste David – CEA-LETI, FR

Emilio Calvanese, LETI (FR)
"5G & Beyond Spectrum Challenges”

Leif Wilhelmsson, Ericsson (SE)
“Some key components in future Wi-Fi: IEEE 802.11ax
and Wake-Up Radios”

Andrea Ghilioni, U Pavia (IT)
“Optical data communications for data-center applications
in Silicon Photonics Technology”

"Multi-scale optical interconnect solutions"

Matteo Bassi, U Pavia (IT)
“Serial link interfaces, with enphasis on the challenges
of future links”

Sylvain Bourdel, Grenoble INP (FR)
“RF low power design technics”

Francois Rivet, IMS Bordeaux (FR)
“Design by Mathematics  for Analog-RF

Jose-Luis Gonzalez, LETI (FR)
“ RF and mmW challenges”

(16:15 – 18:00 ONLY for NEREID experts and members)

Day 3: Wednesday, October 19 2016,
NEREID Workshop 3 – Task 4.2 “Energy for Autonomous Systems”

Gustavo Ardila (Grenoble INP, FR) / Alan Mathewson (Tyndall, IR),
David Holden (CEA LETI, FR)


Chairmen:  Gustavo Ardila - GINP France and
Alan Matewson - Tyndall Ireland

(Free attendance for SINANO/MIGAS students)

13:15 – 13:30

Badge registration

13:30 – 13:40

Opening of the Workshop (Gustavo Ardila)

 13:40 – 14:30

Stephane Monfray– STMicroelectronics,
“Innovative thermal energy harvesting for
future autonomous applications”

 14:30 – 15:20

Anne Kaminski-Cachopo– Grenoble INP,
Solar cells for energy harvesting”     (Slides)

 15:20 – 15:40  Break
 15:40 – 16:30  Gustavo Ardila – Grenoble INP/Grenoble Alpes University,
“Mechanical energy harvesting using piezoelectric materials”
 16:30 – 17:20  Aldo Romani – University of Bologna,
“Energy Management”      (Slides)
 17:20 – 17:30  Break
 17:30 – 19:00

Discussion for road-mapping
(ONLY for NEREID experts and members)



Day 4: Thursday, October 20, 2016,
NEREID Workshop 4 – Task 4.2 “Smart Energy”

Organizer: Gaudenzio Meneghesso (IUNET, IT), David Holden (CEA-LETI, FR)

08:30 – 09:00 Badge registration
09:00 – 09:10 Gaudenzio Meneghesso, University of Padova
“Opening of the Workshop”     (Slides)

09:10 –


Plenary Session 1

Mikael Östling, KTH, Royal Institute of Technology
“SiC power switch device status and predictions”     (Slides)

Peter Moens, ON Semiconductor Belgium
“Status and oulook of GaN power devices from
an industry perspective”     (Slides)

Giuseppe Croce, STMicroelectronics
“Smart Power Technology Roadmap and Trends”     (Slides)

Thomas Detzel, Infineon, Germany
"GaN in a Silicon world: Competition or Coexistence?"
10:30 – 11:00 Break
11:00 – 12:40

Plenary Session 2

Joff Derluyn, EPIGAN,
“GaN from the epitaxy perspective”     (Slides)

Steve Stoffels, IMEC
“Outlook for 200mm E-mode device technology”     (Slides)

Anton Bauer, Fraunhofer IISB
“Potential of SiC for Automotive Power Electronics”     (Slides)

Thomas Harder, ECPE European Center for Power Electronics,
"WBG System Integration"     (Slides)

Braham Ferreira, TU Delft
“International Technology Roadmap for
Wide Band-gap Power Semiconductor ITRW”     (Slides)
12:40 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 17:30

Discussion for road-mapping
ONLY for NEREID experts and members
Coffee break during the discussion

20:00 Dinner (official Speaker dinner is on Oct. 19 evening)
Day 5: Friday, October 21, 2016,
NEREID Workshop 5 – Task 4.1 “Smart Sensors”

Organizer: Montserrat Fernandez-Bolãnos – EPFL Switzerland


Chairman: Adrian Ionescu –EPFL Switzerland

8:30 - 9:00

Badge registration

9:00 - 9:05

Introduction and open of the workshop

9:05 - 9:45

Cosmin Roman (ETH Zürich, CH)
“Energy-efficient sensors based on carbon”

9:45 - 10:25

Denis Flandre (UCL, BE) “High-Temperature SOI CMOS devices, sensors and mixed-signal read-out circuits : Status and Roadmap”

10:25 - 10:40

Coffee break

10:40 - 11:20

Maaike Taklo (SINTEF, NO) “IR and MEMS sensors”      (Slides)

11:20 - 12:00

Teodor Gotszalk (University of Wroclaw, PL) “MEMS and NEMS sensors in mass change and force metrology”

12:00 - 13:00

Lunch break

13:00 - 13:40

Frans Widdershoven (NXP semiconductors, NL)
CMOS Pixelated Capacitive Sensor platform for biosensing and many other applications     (Slides)

13:40 - 13:55

Mireille Mouis (INP, FR) “Nanonet-based field effect devices for label-free sensing”

13:55 - 14:20

Walter De Raedt (IMEC, BE)
"Wearable and IoT sensors enabling  health applications"

14.20 - 14.30

Coffee break

14:30 - 15:10

Florin Udrea (University of Cambridge, UK)
"The next generation of smart gas sensors"

15:10 - 15.30

Adrian Ionescu and Montserrat F.-Bolaños (EPFL, Switzerland)

15:30 - 16:00


16:00 - 18:00

Smart Sensor Roadmaping discussion
chaired by Cosmin Roman (ETH) and Montserrat F.-Bolaños (EPFL)


(17:45 – 19:00 ONLY for NEREID experts and members)

Organization & Committee

Summer School Organizers and Chairmen

- Susanna Reggiani, ARCES University of Bologna & IUNET, Italy
- Laurent Montes, GINP, Grenoble, France

Steering Committee

- Francis Balestra, IMEP – INPG, Grenoble, France
- Enrico Sangiorgi, ARCES University of Bologna & IUNET, Italy

Local Organizing Committee

- Roberta Ravaioli, ARCES University of Bologna & IUNET, Italy
- Michela Schiavi, CEUB Bertinoro (FC), Italy