WP2 Domain-Workshop on Beyond CMOS

The first Domain Workshop of NEREID (“NanoElectronics Roadmap for Europe: Identification and Dissemination”) was on Beyond CMOS and took place in May 16-17, 2016, in Helsinki.


Topic “Non-conventional information processing approaches and devices”.

Monday 16 May, 2016:
Tuesday 17 May, 2016:

Technopolis Innopoli 1
Tekniikantie 14,


Day 1: Monday, May 16, 2016
10:00 Welcome
J. Ahopelto, VTT
A. Vasara (CEO), VTT
H. Riel, IBM
10:30 M. Esposito, U Luxembourg
Information theory
11:10 M. Heyns, IMEC
III/V and steep sub threshold devices for next generation CMOS technologies
11:50 M. Graziano, P. Torino
Aspects from design point of view
12:30 Lunch
14:00 J. Åkerman, KTH
14:40 S. Thorpe, CNRSs
Neuromorphic systems
15:20 B. Li, U Colorado
Thermal computing
16:00 Coffee
16:30 L. Colombo, U Cagliari
Some issues on thermal transport in 2D materials
17:10 M. Costache, ICN2
Topological insulators and magnons
17:50 C. Sotomayor Torres, ICN2
Introduction to Workshop 2 “Non-conventional information processing” Barcelona 2017
18:00 Buffet and refreshments
Day 2: Tuesday May 17, 2016
10:00 S. Volz, CNRS
Surface phonon polaritons and heat transport
10:40 A. Martinez, UPV
11:20 R. Ernstorfer, MPG
Dynamics of electrons, spins and phonons in transition metal dichalcogenides
12:00 M. Calame, U Basel
Molecular electronics
12:40 Lunch
14:00 Rapporteurs reports
Input to WS2
15:00 Closing

Suggested hotels

Please follow our traveling information for your convenience.
We have reserved blocks of rooms in the nearby hotels within walking distance.

Hotel Radisson Blu Espoo Hotel Sokos Tapiola Garden

Otaranta 2, Espoo
Special price: 119/134 single/double, breakfast included
Booking code: NEREID

Hotel Sokos Tapiola Garden

Tapionaukio 3, Espoo
Special price:120/140 single/double, breakfast included
Booking code: NEREID