The first Domain Workshop of NEREID (“NanoElectronics Roadmap for Europe: Identification and Dissemination”) was on Beyond CMOS and took place in May 16-17, 2016, in Helsinki. |
Topic “Non-conventional information processing approaches and devices”.
Schedule: |
Location |
10:00 | Welcome J. Ahopelto, VTT A. Vasara (CEO), VTT H. Riel, IBM |
10:30 | M. Esposito, U Luxembourg Information theory |
11:10 | M. Heyns, IMEC III/V and steep sub threshold devices for next generation CMOS technologies |
11:50 | M. Graziano, P. Torino Aspects from design point of view |
12:30 | Lunch |
14:00 | J. Åkerman, KTH Spintronics |
14:40 | S. Thorpe, CNRSs Neuromorphic systems |
15:20 | B. Li, U Colorado Thermal computing |
16:00 | Coffee |
16:30 | L. Colombo, U Cagliari Some issues on thermal transport in 2D materials |
17:10 | M. Costache, ICN2 Topological insulators and magnons |
17:50 | C. Sotomayor Torres, ICN2 Introduction to Workshop 2 “Non-conventional information processing” Barcelona 2017 |
18:00 | Buffet and refreshments |
10:00 | S. Volz, CNRS Surface phonon polaritons and heat transport |
10:40 | A. Martinez, UPV Optomechanics |
11:20 | R. Ernstorfer, MPG Dynamics of electrons, spins and phonons in transition metal dichalcogenides |
12:00 | M. Calame, U Basel Molecular electronics |
12:40 | Lunch |
14:00 | Rapporteurs reports Discussion Input to WS2 Wrap-up |
15:00 | Closing |
Please follow our traveling information for your convenience.
We have reserved blocks of rooms in the nearby hotels within walking distance.
Otaranta 2, Espoo
Special price: 119/134 single/double, breakfast included
Booking code: NEREID
Tapionaukio 3, Espoo
Special price:120/140 single/double, breakfast included
Booking code: NEREID