Schedule: Location: |
General Workshops in NEREID did involve all technology sectors, and allowed for synergies among different topics and roadmap coordination. Specific application requirements have also been included, based also on the progress of the roadmap and the evolution of technology. The General Workshop has build on the consolidated ITRS procedure of having two day meetings with some time dedicated to bilateral meetings among specific domains and plenary sessions to ensure coordination with specific application sectors. Three plenary sessions have, respectively, opened the Workshop to clearly define the goals and close it with a recap the progress on each domain. Use of professional facilitators has been used to improve the dialogue between applications and technology experts.
Registration is closed at
Find here a Leaflet of the general Workshop incl. the program.
Session1 8:30 – 13:00
New Applications experts or new presentations
08:30 – 8:45 Introduction (F. Balestra) (->Slides) 08:45 – 9:25 Orange for Nanotechnologies: an opportunity for green networks: Thomas Rivera 09:25 – 10:05 SCHNEIDER Electric for Energy: Miao-Xin Wang (->Slides) 10:05 – 10:45 IMEC for Health: Maaike Op de Beeck (->Slides) 10:45 – 11:05 Coffee Break 11:05 – 11:45 Bosch for Automotive: Christian Silber (->Slides) 11:45 – 12:25 GEMALTO for Security: Jean-Pierre Tual (->Slides) 12:25 – 13:00 SINTEF for IoT: Ovidiu Vermesan (->Slides) |
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
Session2 14:00 – 18:00
Feedback from the Domain Workshops (DWS) by Tasks & WP leaders –
Interactions with Application experts – Discussions
14:00 – 14:15 Introduction (E. Sangiorgi) 14:15 – 14:55 Domain workshop “Nanoscale FET” (Task 3.1) Francis Balestra (->Slides) 14:55 – 15:35 Domain workshop “Connectivity” (Task 3.2) Didier Belot (->Slides) 15:35 – 16:15 Domain workshop “Smart Energy” (Task 4.2) Wolfgang Dettmann/Gaudenzio Meneghesso (->Slides) 16:15 – 16:40 Coffee break 16:40 – 17:20 Domain workshop “Energy for Autonomous system” (Sub TaskT4.2) Gustavo Ardila (->Slides) 17:20 – 18:00 Domain workshop “Smart Sensors” (Task 4.1) Montserrat Fernandez-Bolanos (->Slides) 19:00 Cocktail Dinner |
The organisation of a social event in the evening is currently processed
Steering Committee meeting: 8:00-9:00
Session3 9:00– 12:50
Feedback from the Domain Workshops (DWS) by Tasks & WP leaders –
Interactions with Application experts – Discussions
9:00 – 9:15 Introduction (E. Sangiorgi) |
12:50 – 13:00 Lunch
Session4 13:00 – 15:30
IRDS Presentations - Conclusions and next steps (F. Balestra)
- "Roadmap Evolution: NTRS, ITRS, ITRS 2.0, IRDS" Paolo Gargini (->Slides) |
For enabling NEREID's promotion, reporting and dissimmination all presenters should fill in the authorization of Image rights form below and return a scanned version to Sylvie Pitot (Sylvie [dot] Pitotgrenoble-inp [dot] fr) by April 1, 2017.
Travelling information will be available here later. Concerning the reimbursement for invited experts we provide the reimboursement conditions. As template for reimboursement we provide the NEREID cost claim and the NEREID bank information.
Follow the recommendations of the EUROSOI conference at:
There will be a special rate from the Divani Caravel Hotel for the participants of the EUROSOI-ULIS conference and of the NEREID Workshop. Please mention your participation when you book a room in order to take advantage of the special rate.
In case this is not convenient for you try an alternative hotel:
Suggestion of hotels with Name,Category, Tel, e-mail, Address
Best Western Ilissia hotel**** +30 210 7244051-6 25 Michalakopoulou Street métro Megaro Mousikis |
Omiros Hotel*** +30 2103235486 Apollonos 15, |
Plaka Metro Syntagma Central Hotel*** +30 2103234359 Apollonos 21, |
Plaka Metro Syntagma Amalia Hotel**** +30 2103237300 300m - 10, Amalias Ave. |
Electra Palace Hotel*** +30 2103378000 550m - 18-20 N. Nikodimou street, |
Plaka Athens Cypria Hotel*** +30 2103238034-8 300m - Diomeias St 5, |
Plaka Hermes Hotel*** +30 2103235514 Apollonos 19, |
Plaka Amazon Hotel*** +30 2103234002-5 Mitropoleos 19 & Pentelis 7, |
Plaka Arethusa Hotel*** +30 2103229431 6-8 Mitropoleos Str- 12 Nikis Str, |
Holiday Suites***** +30 210 727-8690 700m (from Divani Caravel Hotel) -4, Arnis St |
Plaka Lion Hotel Apartments**** +30 2107248722 750m (from Divani Caravel Hotel) Evzonon 7, Kolonaki |
Golden Age Hotel**** +30 2107240861-9 750m (from Divani Caravel Hotel) Michalakopoulou 57 |
More information on EUROSOI2017 at: