The NEREID project will exploit the already available methodology coming from ITRS and NANOTEC project, extending it to the still poorly covered areas of More than Moore. There is no plan to develop real standard, but to develop a suitable methodology, and the definition of a set of metrics will be one of the main concerns. To come to this three General Workshops and a series of Domail Workshops will form the back-bone of the project, complemented by an efficient tool for web cooperation and by dedicated resources for the collection and editing of the results of the Workshops. Here a list of upcoming workshops:
Type of workshop | Date | Location |
1st General Workshop | April 12-13, 2016 | Grenoble |
WP2 (Domain) Workshop Topic: Beyond CMOS |
May 16-17, 2016 | Helsinki |
General Workshops will involve all technology sectors, and allow for synergies among different topics and roadmap coordination. Specific application requirements will also be included, based also on the progress of the roadmap and the evolution of technology. These Workshops will build on the consolidated ITRS procedure of having two day meetings with some time dedicated to bilateral meetings among specific domains and plenary sessions to ensurecoordination with specific application sectors. Two plenary sessions will, respectively, open the Workshop to clearly define the goals and close it with a recap the progress on each domain. Use of professional facilitators is foreseen to improve the dialogue between applications and technology experts.
The first General Workshop will have a large participation by technology users in order to better define the technology roadmap in terms of applications requirements.
The series of focussed technology-specific Domain Workshops will be organized with a reduced number of participants and supported by web meetings and web tools. Results will be collected and edited by the respective WP leader, if required with the support of dedicated experts, and made available to all the project community shortly after the date of the Domain Workshop, and anyhow within one month.